In the treatment of obesity. In ama vata. Pimples, puss boils, hair follicle boil and buttock boils.
Amystop-G- An Effective Treatment Or Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding Also it tone endometrium, increases healing process, reduces increasing permeability in blood capillaries. It helps to regulate blood circulation and tightens blood vessels. Also, it reduces blood loss. Amystop-G is enriched with hemostatic bio flavonoids. The supplements of this contain iron, copper, zinc and other micronutrients. It is free from adverse effects of synthetic hormones and this is totally safe for long-term use. That’s why Amystop-G can control abdominal or excessive uterine bleeding.
Chirivilwadi Kashayam for Hemorrhoids, Constipation - Chirivilwadi Kashayam effectively treats hemorrhoids, constipation, fistula, and piles. It also reduces bloating and improves digestion. Kashayam refers to a decoction or extract of a herb or a group of herbs. Kashayam contains mostly water soluble herbs which are easily absorbed by the intestines. In Ayurveda, a Kashayam is named after the herbs used in it. Chirivilwadi is mainly used in the treatment of piles and fistula.
The drug destroys only the Cancer affected cells and not the cells of the body
A formulation of time tested herbs, sualin is a natural and effective remedy for sore throat, cough and hoarse voice. The unique blend of natural herbs helps to provide relief from cough and breathlessness, ease minor sore throat and clear throat irritation. It is also an effective expectorant which helps to clear hoarse voice.
It is widely used in the Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, difficulty in passing urine (dysurea). It is also used in female health care. Female gynaecological problems like menorrhagia. It is also used in treating gout and urinary calculi. Effect on Tridosha – Calms Vata
1.It is used in treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis, gout. 2.It is used in non healing wounds, abscess, sinuses and fistula. 3.An excellent medicine for all types of inflammations especially pertaining to connective tissues, bones and joints. 4.It is also beneficial in skin diseases of Vata-Kapha predominance. Effect on Tridosha – Balances Vata and Kapha at the level of skin and joints
It acts as – aging skin health promoter, joint health, natural blood cleanser, useful as supportive dietary herbal supplement in many health conditions such as diabetes, skin diseases etc. Useful in health conditions involving joints, skin. * It promotes natural wound healing and helps in quick and early wound healing in diabetics. * It improves digestion. * It is also useful in inflammatory conditions. * Inflammatory Arthritis.
in leucoderma, leprosy and other skin diseases, erysipelas, abscesses, sinus ulcers, anaemia, jaundice, gastritis, fistula in ano, piles, cataract, bleeding diseases, vaginal discharges, administered poison etc.
in colics, gastritis, piles, constipation and indigestion. gives good motion.
Helps boost immunity (resistance power) needed to fight infections Helps detox & thus reduce stress, tension, foul odours of breath & sweat Helps maintain blood pH towards alkaline needed to remain healthy Hence it helps increase Haemoglobin (RBC) Helps improve skin & muscle tone, achieve weight loss, etc Wheatgrass Powder paste (made in water + few drops milk + pinch of Turmeric) applied like a pack helps overcome skin problems
Jiva DigestAll Churna is an excellent natural remedy that keeps your digestive system healthy and strong. Combining the goodness of natural ingredients like anardana, black cardamom, jeera (cumin seeds), nimboo sat (citric acid), and dalchini (cinnamon), the churna helps cure a wide range of problems like diarrhea, flatulence, and constipation. People of all ages (including children) can have the Jiva DigestAll Churna without fear of any side effects.
Циссус четырехугольный - древнее лекарственное растение. Это активный ингредиент одной аюрведической формулы под названием «Лакша Гогглу». Его стебель используется в приготовлении пищи в Индии. Традиционно он используется для лечения различных заболеваний, таких как астма, несварение желудка, заболевания ушей, нерегулярные менструации, кожные заболевания, геморрой, переломы костей и т. Д. Это исследование было направлено на оценку способности экстрактов растений ингибировать циклоксигеназу (ЦОГ-1), циклогеназу (ЦОГ-2) и активность ферментов 5-липоксигеназы (5-LOX). Также был проведен вестерн-блот-анализ, чтобы определить влияние активной фракции ацетона Cissus quadrangularis (AFCQ) на провоспалительные медиаторы, поскольку в этом исследовании наиболее эффективным оказался ацетоновый экстракт. Дифференциальный экстракт стебля тестировали на ферментативное ингибирование COX и 5-LOX с использованием спектроскопических и поляриграфических методов. Эффективный ацетоновый экстракт частично очищали на колонке с диоксидом кремния, одна из активных фракций показывала двойное ингибирование против COX и 5-LOX. Вестерн-блоттинг показывает подавление активности провоспалительных медиаторов, а также активацию ферментов фазы II. Экстракт AFCQ показал ингибирование COX и 5-LOX со значениями IC (50) 7 мкг / мл, 0,4 мкг / мл и 20 мкг / мл для COX-1, COX-2 и 5-LOX соответственно. Он также показал противовоспалительную активность на линии клеток RAW 264.7 со значением IC (50) 65 мкг / мл. В дополнение к этому, он показывает ингибирование провоспалительных медиаторов, таких как iNOS и TNFα, наряду с транслокацией Nrf-2 и активацией HO-1. AFCQ представляет собой ингибитор ЦОГ и 5-LOX, выделенный из стеблей Cissus quadrangularis.
Ingredients in Nilavembu Kudineer have following healing properties. Aam Pachak (Detoxifier) Analgesic Anti-viral Antibacterial Anti-inflammatory Immunomodulatory Antipyretic (Febrifuge) Carminative Digestive Stimulant Antioxidant Cholagogue Liver stimulant Anthelmintic Anti-dengue
BGR-34 (Blood Glucose Regulator-34) is an Ayurvedic-derived product that is sold in India as an over-the-counter pill for the management of type 2 diabetes. Mentioned below is the complete list of uses and benefits: Antioxidant Antidiabetic Adaptogenic Cardioprotective Antihyperglycemic Controls excessive thirst and urination Tones pancreatic functions by reviving its beta cells. Protects against diabetes-related health complications. Secondary Action Anti-inflammatory Antipruritics Antibacterial Antimicrobial Carminative